Saturday, August 07, 2004

Are You danah boyd Or Not? Day 3

Here we see John Poisson. Points for having glasses, but he is the most not danah boyd so far.
John and Caterina at John's Party in Tokyo
Originally uploaded by caterina.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Distributed Holmes at Flickr

Flickr: electricinca: "I decided to utilise the comment feature and create an illustrated version of the Sherlock Holmes tale The Speckled Band. I broke the text up into 58 sections, picked a keyword from each bit of the text then searched for a photo that was tagged with that word. I then wrote the text into the coment box for each photo linking to the next photo and bit of the text."

Elementary my dear Flickr fans. Elementary.

Balancing a grape

Balancing a grape
Originally uploaded by kimbalina.
Here is my baby Toby doing one of his many cute tricks. Toby likes to balance the grape on his snout, wait till I till him it's okay, then throw it in the air, and catch it in his mouth. One of the other popular ones is when he falls down when you point your hand at him in the shape of gun and say *Bang!*

Are You danah boyd Or Not? Day 2

Jeff Veen, star of screen and page, comes close, but, upon inspection, is not in fact danah boyd.
jeff veen as dana boyd
Originally uploaded by neb.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Are You danah boyd Or Not? Day 1

Through the majesty of Flickr, we at Flickr Fans present Are You danah boyd or Not? For calibration purposes, we will start with a control picture: danah herself.

Check back for more in this exciting series of photographs.

Flickr auto-blogging
Originally uploaded by zephoria.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Beaker Rock Climbing

Flickr Fans heart Muppets. This was found on a tag search for rock.
Beaker goes mountain biking and rock climbing
Originally uploaded by bingaroony.

Custom Stamps

This isn’t specifically about Flickr, but has a custom stamp service that lets you put a picture on a first-class stamp.

So, for example, you could intimidate all your correspondants with Biz’s icy, literate stare.

Biz on a Stamp
Originally uploaded by OldMainstream.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Flickr has batch editing now. Holy convenience Batman!

Why We Love Flickr Reason #102

The Cast of The Dukes of Hazzard in screen caps!

Tacos Sun & Tues

I found this looking through photos tagged “funny.” I think this sign has a strong message about karma.
Originally uploaded by monkeyman_3d.

Oh No You Didn’t

FlickrBlog threw down the gauntlet and is apparently trying to pick a fight with the humble bloggers here at Flickr Fans. Though we could never even aspire to the distinction and glory of FlickrBlog, we nevertheless stand proud and defend ourselves with our most powerful FlickrWeapon: goldtoe’s toupé.

Your move, FlickrBlog.

Happy Hair
Originally uploaded by goldtoe.

Mr. Product's Hair

It was impossible to resist sharing this picture of Goldman with his new, lush head of hair. More details of the process at his blog.
Originally uploaded by goldtoe.